Trust + Innovation + Belief

Employee Connection

Join our Network


e believe in long-term relationships with the healthcare professionals we represent. We advise, serve and lead. And the best part? As sought-after as healthcare professionals are, it’s totally free to you. What’s our secret? It’s simple. We take the time to get to know you, and of course, your healthcare career aspirations now and in the future.  So join our community today!


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How We Work:

  • You get a face to face meeting (unless of course we are speaking across the U.S., then we embrace video technology).
  • We learn about you and your accomplishments.
  • We listen to your style and your interests.
  • We provide job search advice.
  • We advocate you, not your resume.
  • We do the dirty work and screen companies in Ocala & Florida to find your perfect fit and make sure they know who you are and what you can do

Positions Offered:


herever your place is in this vast healthcare world, Human Potential has you covered. We deliver customized job opportunities by getting to know you and then proactively marketing your talents to our network. Our opportunities include as needed, temporary, temporary to permanent, contract and direct hire workforce solutions for an inspiring range of healthcare professionals and executive candidates. We match your strengths with the right position, right culture and right company. All of our professionals receive a benefits package. And, that starts immediately.

Healthcare professionals and executives placed in Ocala & Florida:

  • PA Audiologist Dietician CEO
  • ARNP RN Social Worker CFO
  • Pharmacist LPN Licensed Counselor Administration Staff
  • PT CNA Phlebotomist Management Staff
  • PTA Paramedic Clerical Staff Human Resource Staff
  • OT Radiology Technician Allied Professionals Risk Management
  • OTA Medical Assistant HIM & Coder
  • Respiratory Therapist Dental Hygienist Health Information Technologist
  • Speech Therapist Dental Assistant


I love my new job! It’s the nicest bunch of folks I’ve ever worked with!

C. Hoffman RN

Thank you for all of your help. You are amazing. It’s so easy to work with you. I appreciate all of your help.


I had the opportunity recently to work with Human Potential in finding employment opportunities. HP was the best at keeping me updated on the progress of potential job opportunities. H P is very professional and worked at making the process easy for me. I really appreciate all of your hard work and I have found a new friend. I just can’t say enough about the positive experience I had in finding employment with Human Potential.

Debbie B. ARNP